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The Inkwood Tarot Guide is Now Available!

Inkwood Tarot Guide

The Inwood Tarot Guide – a 13 page tarot workbook designed to help you develop your tarot practice – is now available for free to newsletter subscribers, workshop attendees and tarot clients! You can get your free download by signing up for my mailing list, one of my workshops, or purchasing a reading or coaching session.

I developed this guide as a thank you to the Inkwood Community and am delighted to share this resource with you as an expression of my gratitude. My intent is for this guide to be a companion to your deck’s little white book (LWB) of instructions; to help you confidently and quickly begin or move further along in your tarot journey, without bogging you down in loads of complicated tarot interpretations.

This is not a card-by-card instruction system, but a broader view of the tarot’s Arcanas, and an exploration of intuitive reading. There are plenty of card write-ups in books and on websites for reference. I’m hoping this guide will be a tool in broadening your perspective on tarot.

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