Many Pagans (and non-Pagans!) enjoy working energetically with a variety of companions and/or guides. Here’s a spread to help you hone your search for that special energetic partner. You can either approach this spread completely open, or with a specific type of entity in mind (physical familiar, patron/matron deity, ancestral spirit, etc.).
1. What energies or qualities do I need in a companion/guide?
2. Who/what would be my ideal companion/guide?
3. Where should I search for my companion/guide?
4. What steps do I need to take to find my companion/guide (1 – 3 cards)?
5. When will I know I’ve found my companion/guide?
6. How should I approach my companion/guide?
7. How will I work most successfully with my companion/guide?
If you use this spread I’d love to hear how it worked for you! Feel free to get in touch or share in the comments below.
Blessed Be.