I created this spread to help me focus on what matters most for getting stuff done. It’s called the Productive Week Spread, but you can use it for any time frame needed – enjoy!
Tag: tarot spread
A Tarot Spread for Processing an Experience
Have you ever been hit by an experience, good, bad, or otherwise, that’s left your head spinning and wondering what the hell just happened to you? Here’s a spread for when that happens, to help you figure out what you experienced, and what you can take away from it. The more difficult a situation, often the more important it is that we reflect back on it and figure out what we have to learn.
These prompts are based on the processing sequence of questions adventure-based educators (which I still use) when helping their participants learn and grow from challenging experiences. You can use this for dream interpretation, processing an important or intriguing event, reflecting on a meditative or trance experience, or any other time you need to figure out what just hit you. Enjoy!
Continue reading A Tarot Spread for Processing an ExperienceTarot Deck Review – the Spacious Tarot, 2nd Ed.
I’ve had the Spacious Tarot deck on my deck wish list for the better part of a year, and finally was able to get a copy of the 2nd edition over the holidays, and am delighted to share and recommend it to you all!
The artwork grabbed my attention as soon as I saw images of it online – beautiful, sparse landscapes that leave plenty of room (appropriately enough) for your imagination and intuition. Although full of images from the natural world (and containing no people) I would not call this a nature-focused deck. It feels more like a storybook with room to fill it with your own life story. Beautiful and inspiring.
Continue reading Tarot Deck Review – the Spacious Tarot, 2nd Ed.Tarot Spread to Find an Energetic Guide or Companion
Many Pagans (and non-Pagans!) enjoy working energetically with a variety of companions and/or guides. Here’s a spread to help you hone your search for that special energetic partner. You can either approach this spread completely open, or with a specific type of entity in mind (physical familiar, patron/matron deity, ancestral spirit, etc.).
Continue reading Tarot Spread to Find an Energetic Guide or Companion