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Tarot Deck Review – the Spacious Tarot, 2nd Ed.

I’ve had the Spacious Tarot deck on my deck wish list for the better part of a year, and finally was able to get a copy of the 2nd edition over the holidays, and am delighted to share and recommend it to you all!

The artwork grabbed my attention as soon as I saw images of it online – beautiful, sparse landscapes that leave plenty of room (appropriately enough) for your imagination and intuition. Although full of images from the natural world (and containing no people) I would not call this a nature-focused deck. It feels more like a storybook with room to fill it with your own life story. Beautiful and inspiring.

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Tarot Deck Review: The Crow Tarot

Crow Tarot Deck

I got a little unexpected money a couple of weeks ago from a phone survey I participated in, and decided to use it to get (surprise, surprise) a new tarot deck! I’ve been lusting after the Crow Tarot ever since I saw it. I LOVE crows and ravens – all corvids, really. They’re beautiful, smart and soulful. My magical working name is Macha – a Celtic earth Goddess who makes up one of the three aspects of the Morrigan. Macha’s familiars are crows and horses. And you might have noticed that I chose a crow to be part of my logo… Yep, had to have it.

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What’s the Difference Between a Tarot Deck and an Oracle Deck?

Tarot and Oracle Cards

Above image: Cards from Art Through the Eyes of the Soul Oracle (upper), and the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot (lower). Photo by Inkwood Tarot.

If you’re newer to tarot or divination you might be wondering what the difference is between tarot cards and oracle cards.

The tarot is a specific system consisting of (generally) 78 cards divided into two sections – 22 cards in the Major Arcana, and 56 cards in the Minor Arcana. The 22 cards of the Major Arcana, numbered 0 – 21, detail archetypes of human spiritual development from birth to enlightenment. The 56 cards of the Minor Arcana are divided up into 4 suits each numbered 1 (ace) through 10, with 4 court cards. The suit names might vary somewhat, but they almost always correspond to the 4 elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. These cards depict the everyday events in human lives.

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Tarot Deck Review – The Brady Tarot, 2nd Ed.

Originally published on the Inkwood Journal.

I have finally found my perfect tarot deck! (It only took 20+ years…) I had used the Morgan-Greer deck as my primary deck for 13 years, with the intent of eventually getting a deck that is a bit more suited to me, but had a hard time finding one that really spoke to me.

Last winter I was doing research for my second tarot workshop at UCMH, and I found a wonderful website called the Little Red Tarot. It’s an LGBTQ+ focused shop (and blog) that sells and promotes indie decks specifically. That’s where I found the Brady Tarot.

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