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Tarot Deck Review – The Shadowland Tarot

Shadowland Tarot header

Some decks live up to our expectations better than others. I feel like I’ve had several decks fall short of my hopes recently, and have been approaching new decks with a more skeptical eye as a result. But the Shadowland Tarot happily far, far exceeded my expectations and skated right into my top 5 decks for personal use.

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Tarot Deck Review – The English Magic Tarot

English Magic Tarot

Friends, I’d like to introduce you to the English Magic Tarot. Actually, I’m not introducing the English Magic Tarot in general – I’m introducing you to this deck specifically, the one in my pictures. Why? Because it’s not like other decks.

*plays ominous music*

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Tarot Deck Review: The Crow Tarot

Crow Tarot Deck

I got a little unexpected money a couple of weeks ago from a phone survey I participated in, and decided to use it to get (surprise, surprise) a new tarot deck! I’ve been lusting after the Crow Tarot ever since I saw it. I LOVE crows and ravens – all corvids, really. They’re beautiful, smart and soulful. My magical working name is Macha – a Celtic earth Goddess who makes up one of the three aspects of the Morrigan. Macha’s familiars are crows and horses. And you might have noticed that I chose a crow to be part of my logo… Yep, had to have it.

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How I Energetically Attune a New Tarot Deck

New Tarot Decks

Any energetic or magical tool like a tarot deck ought to be cleansed and attuned to its owner in order to get the best results from it. No matter how awesome a deck’s creator(s) is/are, ultimately it still has to be printed, packaged, and shipped (unless you’re working with a print-your-own deck). And they acquire a bit of dross in the process.

There are lots of good rituals out there for cleansing and consecrating new tools – I use my coven’s consecration ritual when I can. But often when I get a new tarot deck I’m too impatient to wait until I have time for a ritual. I like getting my hands on a deck right away, so over time I’ve developed my own cleansing and attuning process that doesn’t deprive me of the tangible joy of physically interacting with my deck immediately.

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