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Individual Tarot Coaching Now Available!

Tarot Coaching

Beloved Community, I am pleased to announce that I am now offering individual tarot coaching sessions at Inkwood Tarot! Interested in deepening your own tarot practice? No matter where you are in your tarot journey – just starting out or a decade in – sitting down with a professional to set goals, lean new skills and consider another perspective on tarot can be tremendously helpful.

I have been studying and reading tarot for over 20 years, and would be honored to help you strengthen your use of tarot for personal transformation, deepening your connection to spirit, or taking control of your life for intentional living.

I am offering an introductory rate of $50 for an hour coaching session for the spring – regular cost is $70. You and I will chat by text or email prior to your session so I can get some baseline info on your tarot experience, and then I’ll customize a session designed to help you deepen your practice and set personal goals for growth with tarot.

Coaching can be a single session, or a series of sessions, depending on your needs. After the initial 1 hour session, return coaching clients can select either half-hour or full hour sessions.

Want to learn more? Click here for more info!

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Understanding Tarot Basics

Cards from the Brady Tarot – Image by Inkwood Tarot

For a long time I wondered why esoteric symbols and abstract images eluded me.  I admittedly have a very logic-focused brain. I’m better with science-y stuff than abstract – I have a master’s degree in conservation biology, and have spent decades studying the natural world.  I don’t know if my science schooling and professional work is a result of my brain being wired for structured thinking, or if my schooling and professional work have resulted in my brain being less comfortable with abstract and esoteric images. Don’t know. Either way for as much as I loved it, I struggled with the tarot for a long time. I understood the concept of intuitive reading, but my logic-focused brain wasn’t able to make much of the card images. I needed facts. I needed to better understand the esoteric world of tarot; otherwise card meanings seemed arbitrary to a level of pointlessness. I knew they weren’t, but I needed to know why they weren’t.  

I finally got what I needed when I was introduced to Rachel Pollack’s brilliant text, 78 Degrees of Wisdom at a tarot workshop in 2007. If you’re even remotely interested in tarot (which I trust you are, as you’re reading this) and haven’t yet read this book, I urge you to get a copy – it’s an invaluable resource.  In this book the Pollack explains what’s behind the symbolism of the Major and Minor Arcanas. Rather than just giving pat explanations for card images, she reveals the esoteric traditions and teachings behind the cards; she explains the larger concepts behind the Arcanas, knitting the 78 cards into an understandable whole. 

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