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The Challenges of Social Media

Social media is such a mixed blessing. I have found tremendous community in the short time I’ve been on Instagram with Inkwood and am grateful for all the wonderful folks I have and am yet to meet. I set up that account with intentionality after struggling and finally banishing FB from my life, and applied the lessons I learned so I could be there with less internal pressure, guilt, and depression. And yet. I still get stuck and end up feeling guilty or sad around what I am or am not doing, and generally avoiding it when I’ve been away for more than a day or two.

When my health tanks (which it’s doing a lot of lately), social media posting is the first thing to go, so that I can still get other work accomplished. And I’ve gotten better about not beating myself up for having such a spotty posting record – I can only do so much.  But. The longer I’m away the harder it is to get back. It’s like this stream that keeps flowing, and I’ve jumped out, and now when I go to get back in – I’m in the same place, but that stream has kept going without me. I will be entering something new. Again. Which is daunting.

So what to do?

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Dealing with Toxic People

It happens, Beloved Community – toxic people are out there and occasionally we have to deal with them in our lives. The toxic person I had in my personal life (who thankfully is gone) taught me some valuable lessons the hard way. Even still, when a toxic client showed up for a tarot reading last month I was caught with my guard down (because I was hurried), and I suffered an energetic attack, among other things. I had help from my wonderful Reiki Master cleaning up the energy attack (and getting reminded of the importance of grounding and shielding my energy better – it was definitely a rush job). But the emotional healing I had to deal with mostly on my own for a bit.

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