Inkwood Policies and Disclaimer

Tarot Reading Policies

By purchasing a reading with me on any platform, you agree to the following policies:

  • You must be at least 18 years old to purchase a reading online.
  • Payment must be successfully processed before reading will be scheduled.
  • Your reading appointment is a fixed time – if you don’t show or cancel at least 24 hours in advance you payment is forfeit. I will not extend reading times if you are late.
  • I will not extend reading times for video calls if your internet connection is slow or unstable – be sure you have a solid way to connect and stay online if you wish to book a reading by video call.
  • I reserve the right to refuse services to any client who is openly hostile, inebriated or otherwise impaired, or displaying behavior that is unsafe to myself or others.

As a Professional Tarot Reader, I pledge the following to my clients:

  • I do not discriminate and read for all regardless of race, class, religion, ethnicity, ability or gender identity.
  • I will abide by and uphold the American Tarot Association’s Code of Ethics.
  • I will never sell or give my client’s digital information to any 3rd parties
  • Personal safety of both parties is my utmost priority and I will support any client who is in distress to the best of my ability. As I am not a medical or mental health professional, my best assistance is usually directing clients to resources relevant to their situation.

Read Inkwood’s Privacy Policy.


  • I am not a ‘fortune teller’ or predicting your future. Everyone operates under their own free will and it is up to you whether or not to follow the advice obtained in a reading.
  • I am not a medical professional, lawyer or licensed psychotherapist. I encourage you to follow the appropriate professional advice regarding any major decisions you might consider based on a reading with me.
  • Financial transactions with Inkwood are handled by third party companies – PayPal, Venmo, Square – and we share transaction information with them in order to safely process payments. See our Privacy Policy for more details.