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Online Tarot Workshop Sat. March 27th at 8 PM (EDT)

Online Tarot Workshop

Beloved Community, I am offering a 90 minute tarot reading workshop online via Zoom, this Saturday evening at 8 PM, Eastern Daylight Time. This workshop is for anyone who would like some guidance on reading tarot – whether you’re a complete beginner (if you don’t have a deck, let me know at registration and I’ll give you directions on how to get a free, electronic deck for your phone or tablet) or well into your tarot journey.

We will explore traditional and esoteric meanings and associations, as well as diving into our intuition and learning to listen to our inner selves as we read and study the cards. Guided exercises, a meditation and time for practice reading will give participants a multi-faceted approach to interacting with their cards.

An electronic hand-out to help you continue your tarot journey will be given out at the end of the workshop. Cost of the workshop is $25, and you can register (or ask questions) by emailing me at: I can accept payment through Venmo, Paypal or CashApp.
Blessed Be!

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