Does energy healing really work?

Yes! It can be hard for some folks (especially those of us who are more logically focused) to understand how something we can’t see or touch can really affect us deeply enough to be an effective healing treatment. If you’re like me and have a brain trained by the sciences, it might help to know that both Reiki and crystal healing can be explained by physics and the scientific understanding that objects which resonate on a similar frequency can affect each other, regardless of distance.

The human body is affected by the energy of nearly everything we encounter in daily life. Reiki and crystals have strong energy which we can focus for healing when applied directly (or through focused distance work) to the body and energy field, and which can be used to counteract harmful energy that we can accumulate in our bodies and aura.

How does the tarot work – is it real?

The symbols, colors, images, and patterns found on tarot and oracle cards work on the unconscious mind. There is a part of us that innately understands the universal language of symbol and color. But we live in the age of science and reason, with a focus on our conscious mind (the ego, psychologically speaking), leading to a dismissive attitude toward the intuitive or psychic.

So ‘reading’ the symbols and images on the cards takes some interpretation for many of us, although it is only the conscious mind that needs this interpretation.  It is our unconscious mind that communicates with our higher/inner self (or energy, or spirit), and it is the higher self that can guide us to live the life we truly desire. That is the essence of reading cards intuitively: learning how to listen to the quiet voice of our higher selves – our intuition.

Why tarot for healing?

The tarot is a wonderful combination of human experiences, esoteric associations, and powerful imagery which work on the conscious and unconscious minds, which is why I use it as a tool in my healing work. It helps us listen to our inner/higher selves and make more informed decisions as we travel our life’s path and strive to do our highest work.

Do I have to identify as, or want to be a witch to take a Witchcraft Mentoring course?

Nope! Just an open and curious mind is all you need.

What subjects are covered in the Witchcraft Mentoring courses?

While each mentoring session is molded to individual needs and interests, in a full Mentorship you can expect to explore:
– The basics of herbology, astrology, and crystalology
– Learning how to identify and work with your Guides and Guardians
– Earth-Based practices such as solar and lunar holidays and the energies of the elements & directions
– Pagan deities, entities, and energies we can connect with to aid our work
– Basic energy work including focusing intent, meditation, and spellcasting
– Divination through tarot/oracle cards, dowsing, and more
– The art and power of creating your own rituals

The Mini-Mentorship covers a scaled-down version of this list (tailored to the student’s interests). All subjects are covered in the Inkwood Book of Shadows, which is included with both Mentorship programs.

What payment options do you accept?

I can accept payment through Venmo, Paypal, Cash App, and debit cards via Square (in person only)

Where are you located?

North Central Massachusetts in the US – one town away from the New Hampshire border!

How do you use the data collected on your website?

Please see our full Privacy Policy for information on the usage of all data we receive, including for our mailing list (https://inkwoodtarot.com/privacy-policy/).