Exploring Witchcraft

Programs for the Witchy Curious!

Curious about Witchcraft? Some people are drawn to Witchcraft after only a minor encounter with it, frequently through media (which sadly isn’t always an accurate portrayal), and sometimes by friends or just a chance event. This encounter leaves them curious and they wonder – was what I saw or experienced accurate? What does modern Witchcraft look like, and what exactly do modern Witches practice?

If you fall into the camp of the Witchy curious, read on and see if perhaps you ought to explore Witchcraft a little more deeply for yourself. I am a practicing Witch of over 30 years, and love to help students discover and craft their own practice!

What is a Witch? Witches are wise ones who work with energy and the forces of nature to create change. Witches challenge the status quo; we are disrupters, questioners of authority, a voice for the voiceless, and steadfast in the winds of change.

We are naturalists, conjurers, healers, and seers, living on the outskirts of proper society, celebrating the cycles of the natural world, and weaving magic for the betterment of ourselves and our communities.

Broadly, Witches work with Earth-based energies to create change on the physical plane. The specifics of this work vary from Witch to Witch. Some practices that are common among modern Witches include astrology, dowsing, tarot reading, polytheistic rituals, herbalism, mystical studies, and more.

What Witchcraft isn’t? Associated with Satanism (many modern Witches are Pagan, and don’t even believe in the concept of Satan) or demon worship. That’s the media’s ignorant warping of our practice. Some Witches choose to follow a path of gray magic, though most if not all serve the Light in one way or another. Working to willfully harm or manipulate others is not a part of modern Witchcraft practice.

You do not need to identify as a Witch before or after your studies to work with me. It’s perfectly ok to learn about and appreciate a practice but not wish to identify with it when you’re done. Knowledge is power, and knowing what isn’t right for you is just as important as knowing what is.

Curious to learn more? I offer 1-on-1 learning opportunities – from single classes to a full 9-session mentorship – that explore the various tools, practices, and traditions that make up modern Witchcraft. Through practice and intuitive work, you’ll learn what aspects of Witchcraft resonate best with you and how to craft your own, unique practice.

Why work with me? I am an experienced witch of over 30 years. I have sought to deepen my practice over the years through a variety of spiritual and magical studies and practices. I identify as Wiccan and have an eclectic, nature-focused practice of 30 years. I am a dedicant of Anubis and work a few times a month with an Alexandrian coven, which I helped found in 2013. Please read my post on my Witchy Credentials to learn more about who I am as a Witch.

A conversation about who I am as a mentor and Witch and what you can expect from me will take place before any program begins so we can both be sure I am the right teacher for you.

Witchcraft Program Options

Single Coaching Session, $90. This 60 to 75-minute session with me goes over the basics of Witchcraft and helps you discover whether you might want to pursue further mentorship or perhaps studies on your own. Participants receive a copy of the Inkwood Tarot Guide and its Appendix (Appendix is available only to Inkwood students), and a resource guide as part of their session.

Mini-Mentorship, $200. This 3-session course starts digging into Witchcraft to help you build your own practice. Students who take part in the mini-mentorship program and want to continue on to a full Mentorship can do so for a pro-rated fee. Course includes:

  • 3 Mentoring Sessions
  • Inkwood Tarot Guide & Appendix
  • Inkwood Book of Shadows (includes resource guide)
  • Mini-Mentor Kit (includes planner template, Reiki-charged healing crystal, and a surprise or two!)

Full Witchcraft Mentorship, $650 or $80/class. Students can choose bi-weekly, monthly, or semi-monthly meetings. Course includes:

  • 9 Mentoring Sessions
  • Inkwood Tarot Guide & Appendix
  • Inkwood Book of Shadows
  • Mentor’s Kit (includes a journal, planner template, a Reiki-charged healing crystal, and a few surprises!)

See our FAQ page for a list of subjects covered in the Witchcraft Mentorships.

Students who complete a full mentorship are eligible to sign up for a second-level Witchcraft mentorship course. Prospective second-level students need a 90-day minimum period of assimilation and application of previous material before applying for the next session.

To apply for any of the above programs, fill out this application form and I will be in touch so we can discuss whether I am the right mentor for you.

Blessed Be!