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Dealing with Toxic People

It happens, Beloved Community – toxic people are out there and occasionally we have to deal with them in our lives. The toxic person I had in my personal life (who thankfully is gone) taught me some valuable lessons the hard way. Even still, when a toxic client showed up for a tarot reading last month I was caught with my guard down (because I was hurried), and I suffered an energetic attack, among other things. I had help from my wonderful Reiki Master cleaning up the energy attack (and getting reminded of the importance of grounding and shielding my energy better – it was definitely a rush job). But the emotional healing I had to deal with mostly on my own for a bit.

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Introducing ‘Exploring Witchcraft’ – a Mentorship Program

Teaching Witchcraft

Beloved Community, I am delighted to announce my newest offering – a program that’s been incubating for several years and is now ready for interested students: 1-on-1 Witchcraft Mentoring programs for the Witchy curious!

This program explores the various tools, practices, and traditions that make up modern Witchcraft. You’ll learn through practice and intuitive work what aspects of Witchcraft resonate best with you, and how to craft your own, unique practice.

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My Witchy Credentials


Let me just say right off that you do NOT need credentials to be a Witch – you either are one or you aren’t. You do the work, or you don’t. All you need is the desire to learn, practice, and be your true, authentic self. However, as a teacher, coach, and mentor, prospective students should know where I’m coming from and what qualifies me to teach and coach others.

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