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Tarot Collecting

Tarot Deck Collection

I didn’t intend to have a tarot (and oracle) deck collection. In fact, a couple of years back I parted with a few decks because they didn’t work for me, and I was trying to keep a limit on the number of decks I had hanging around. But as my search for my perfect tarot deck dragged on (it took 20 years….) I inevitably ended up with a collection of decks that are important to me for a wide variety of reasons.

I struggle with collecting – there’s a very strong part of me that just absolutely loves it. And not just collecting but organizing my collections, keeping lists and sub-lists of what’s in my collections… I’m a total geek – I blame my Virgo moon. 

There’s another part of me that doesn’t want lots of ‘stuff’. Which thankfully helps keep my collecting bug in check. Really, the only two things I keep an active collection of are books and tarot/oracle decks. I do have a few accidental collections, but that’s another story which will get published over on the Inkwood Journal sometime soon. 

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Introducing the Witch’s Attic!

Witch's Attic

I ran an online, used bookstore for 13 years (out of my house) which specialized in sci-fi/fantasy/horror and Pagan interests. The bookstore has been sold, but I still come across tools and books stashed away periodically that need homes. Additionally, I try not to keep decks I don’t have a current or projected future use for, and would rather see them in use by someone else.

These items will now be available for sale on my site in the Witch’s Attic (under the ‘Shop’ menu). You can also find it directly here:

Bright Blessings!

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Tarot Deck Review – the Spacious Tarot, 2nd Ed.

I’ve had the Spacious Tarot deck on my deck wish list for the better part of a year, and finally was able to get a copy of the 2nd edition over the holidays, and am delighted to share and recommend it to you all!

The artwork grabbed my attention as soon as I saw images of it online – beautiful, sparse landscapes that leave plenty of room (appropriately enough) for your imagination and intuition. Although full of images from the natural world (and containing no people) I would not call this a nature-focused deck. It feels more like a storybook with room to fill it with your own life story. Beautiful and inspiring.

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Tarot Deck Review: The Crow Tarot

Crow Tarot Deck

I got a little unexpected money a couple of weeks ago from a phone survey I participated in, and decided to use it to get (surprise, surprise) a new tarot deck! I’ve been lusting after the Crow Tarot ever since I saw it. I LOVE crows and ravens – all corvids, really. They’re beautiful, smart and soulful. My magical working name is Macha – a Celtic earth Goddess who makes up one of the three aspects of the Morrigan. Macha’s familiars are crows and horses. And you might have noticed that I chose a crow to be part of my logo… Yep, had to have it.

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Understanding Tarot Basics

Cards from the Brady Tarot – Image by Inkwood Tarot

For a long time I wondered why esoteric symbols and abstract images eluded me.  I admittedly have a very logic-focused brain. I’m better with science-y stuff than abstract – I have a master’s degree in conservation biology, and have spent decades studying the natural world.  I don’t know if my science schooling and professional work is a result of my brain being wired for structured thinking, or if my schooling and professional work have resulted in my brain being less comfortable with abstract and esoteric images. Don’t know. Either way for as much as I loved it, I struggled with the tarot for a long time. I understood the concept of intuitive reading, but my logic-focused brain wasn’t able to make much of the card images. I needed facts. I needed to better understand the esoteric world of tarot; otherwise card meanings seemed arbitrary to a level of pointlessness. I knew they weren’t, but I needed to know why they weren’t.  

I finally got what I needed when I was introduced to Rachel Pollack’s brilliant text, 78 Degrees of Wisdom at a tarot workshop in 2007. If you’re even remotely interested in tarot (which I trust you are, as you’re reading this) and haven’t yet read this book, I urge you to get a copy – it’s an invaluable resource.  In this book the Pollack explains what’s behind the symbolism of the Major and Minor Arcanas. Rather than just giving pat explanations for card images, she reveals the esoteric traditions and teachings behind the cards; she explains the larger concepts behind the Arcanas, knitting the 78 cards into an understandable whole. 

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