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Tarot Deck Review – The English Magic Tarot

English Magic Tarot

Friends, I’d like to introduce you to the English Magic Tarot. Actually, I’m not introducing the English Magic Tarot in general – I’m introducing you to this deck specifically, the one in my pictures. Why? Because it’s not like other decks.

*plays ominous music*

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The Inkwood Tarot Guide is Now Available!

Inkwood Tarot Guide

The Inwood Tarot Guide – a 13 page tarot workbook designed to help you develop your tarot practice – is now available for free to newsletter subscribers, workshop attendees and tarot clients! You can get your free download by signing up for my mailing list, one of my workshops, or purchasing a reading or coaching session.

I developed this guide as a thank you to the Inkwood Community and am delighted to share this resource with you as an expression of my gratitude. My intent is for this guide to be a companion to your deck’s little white book (LWB) of instructions; to help you confidently and quickly begin or move further along in your tarot journey, without bogging you down in loads of complicated tarot interpretations.

This is not a card-by-card instruction system, but a broader view of the tarot’s Arcanas, and an exploration of intuitive reading. There are plenty of card write-ups in books and on websites for reference. I’m hoping this guide will be a tool in broadening your perspective on tarot.

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Online Tarot Workshop Sat. March 27th at 8 PM (EDT)

Online Tarot Workshop

Beloved Community, I am offering a 90 minute tarot reading workshop online via Zoom, this Saturday evening at 8 PM, Eastern Daylight Time. This workshop is for anyone who would like some guidance on reading tarot – whether you’re a complete beginner (if you don’t have a deck, let me know at registration and I’ll give you directions on how to get a free, electronic deck for your phone or tablet) or well into your tarot journey.

We will explore traditional and esoteric meanings and associations, as well as diving into our intuition and learning to listen to our inner selves as we read and study the cards. Guided exercises, a meditation and time for practice reading will give participants a multi-faceted approach to interacting with their cards.

An electronic hand-out to help you continue your tarot journey will be given out at the end of the workshop. Cost of the workshop is $25, and you can register (or ask questions) by emailing me at: I can accept payment through Venmo, Paypal or CashApp.
Blessed Be!

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In Person Readings Now Available in Salem, NH!

Tarot Spread w/Brady Tarot

Beloved Community, I am so delighted to announce my first regular in-person reading venue! I am now available to read at the Dragon’s Keep located in Salem NH, just over the Massachusetts border off Rt. I-93! As it’s a bit of a distance from where I’m at, I’m going to try and keep my visits up there to once or twice a month.

For now readings will be scheduled on an individual basis (book from my reading page, and or email me to schedule), but I’m hoping by summer to have regular monthly dates up there for reading, which will be announced once I figure out when they’ll be.

If you’re not familiar with the Dragon’s Keep, I strongly encourage you to visit (and not just because it’s run some good friends of mine, but that doesn’t hurt 😉 ). They have a great selection of herbs, crystals, books, tarot/oracle decks, and other goodies, along with some truly unique and beautiful artwork and hand-made tools by local artisans. And Greg and Sandria the owners, are warm, welcoming and knowledgeable. Definitely a unique place to shop!

If you’re in the northern MA/southern NH region, I hope to see you up at the Dragon’s Keep sometime soon!