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Introducing ‘Exploring Witchcraft’ – a Mentorship Program

Teaching Witchcraft

Beloved Community, I am delighted to announce my newest offering – a program that’s been incubating for several years and is now ready for interested students: 1-on-1 Witchcraft Mentoring programs for the Witchy curious!

This program explores the various tools, practices, and traditions that make up modern Witchcraft. You’ll learn through practice and intuitive work what aspects of Witchcraft resonate best with you, and how to craft your own, unique practice.

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My Witchy Credentials


Let me just say right off that you do NOT need credentials to be a Witch – you either are one or you aren’t. You do the work, or you don’t. All you need is the desire to learn, practice, and be your true, authentic self. However, as a teacher, coach, and mentor, prospective students should know where I’m coming from and what qualifies me to teach and coach others.

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Tarot Deck Review – The Shadowland Tarot

Shadowland Tarot header

Some decks live up to our expectations better than others. I feel like I’ve had several decks fall short of my hopes recently, and have been approaching new decks with a more skeptical eye as a result. But the Shadowland Tarot happily far, far exceeded my expectations and skated right into my top 5 decks for personal use.

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How to Find Your Perfect Tarot Deck

Tarot Card Pile

Ah, the search for the perfect deck. It begins, whether we know it or not, with our very first deck. You may have been given your first deck as a gift, or gotten it before you learned what you do and don’t like in tarot imagery. Sometimes we luck out, but usually it takes some experience with tarot before we really know what we want and need in our perfect deck – our soul deck.

Thankfully, it’s much easier now to find just about any deck anywhere in the world than it was 20 + years ago when I started learning and reading tarot. Although in some ways that can be of even less help – how do you decide which deck to work with when there are literally thousands of different decks out there?

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Individual Tarot Coaching Now Available!

Tarot Coaching

Beloved Community, I am pleased to announce that I am now offering individual tarot coaching sessions at Inkwood Tarot! Interested in deepening your own tarot practice? No matter where you are in your tarot journey – just starting out or a decade in – sitting down with a professional to set goals, lean new skills and consider another perspective on tarot can be tremendously helpful.

I have been studying and reading tarot for over 20 years, and would be honored to help you strengthen your use of tarot for personal transformation, deepening your connection to spirit, or taking control of your life for intentional living.

I am offering an introductory rate of $50 for an hour coaching session for the spring – regular cost is $70. You and I will chat by text or email prior to your session so I can get some baseline info on your tarot experience, and then I’ll customize a session designed to help you deepen your practice and set personal goals for growth with tarot.

Coaching can be a single session, or a series of sessions, depending on your needs. After the initial 1 hour session, return coaching clients can select either half-hour or full hour sessions.

Want to learn more? Click here for more info!