
Hello, I’m Cynthia – owner of Inkwood! I’m an energy healer, tarot coach, educator, and Witch.

Cynthia M

For those who need a little help getting back on their path; for those who know there’s greater meaning to their lives; for those who are trying to navigate their way through the messiness of being human – I am here for you.

For the dreamers, the seekers, the unfulfilled, the thinkers, and the seers – I am here for you.

I can help you move in the direction of your life’s true path – join me in exploring the depths of your ultimate potential.

The Inkwood Story

I have been an informal educator for over 25 years, initially teaching outdoors as a naturalist and program director at nature and outdoor centers, camps, watershed agencies, and other non-profits. I became a naturalist and outdoor educator because of my passion for nature and my desire to be outdoors as much as possible – one of the tenants of my Witchcraft practice. I lived my faith through my work for over 20 years, although I never shared that with my students – just my love of nature.

As I evolved as an educator, I gradually felt a calling to bring my spiritual practice more actively into my work. That opportunity came when I moved to Unitarian Universalist religious education in 2018 and became a UU religious professional. Serving an open and loving spiritual community as a youth & family minister and educator has helped me realize that my own spiritual journey and healing can be a light for others on their paths of healing and seeking.

In 2020, Inkwood Tarot and Healing was born unexpectedly, stemming from a deep intuitive call to assist others on their healing paths. Because of my own experiences with personal healing and transformation, I know that everyone is capable of deep, transformative work. In fact, I’m certain of it.  But I also know that many of us need encouragement, guidance, and deeper faith in ourselves to truly heal and grow. I wouldn’t have made it this far in my journey without a lot of help and support from others.

Through energy work with Reiki, crystals, herbs, and tarot, I can help you discover how to tap into your best resource – yourself. I can give you the tools and support you need as you evolve and transform into your best self. Join me in exploring the depths of your ultimate potential!

My Training as a Healer

As a healer, I have spent hundreds of hours in training, study, research, and practice, and I consider my ongoing professional development to be a critical part of my healing work.

My training includes:

8-hour Reiki 1 certification.
20-hour Reiki 2 certification through Garden Gate Herbals.
30-hour Yoga, Mental Health, and Healing course at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health.
16-hour Hospice Volunteer training.
Multiple classes on crystal healing with the Love and Light School of Crystal Therapy.
Youth Mental Health First Aid certification through the National Council for Mental Wellbeing (3-year certification)
6-week workshop with healer and coach Josephine Hardman.

If you’re looking for resources on healing or are interested in knowing what books inform and influence my practice, you can find my healing bibliography here.

A Little More About Cynthia

I grew up just outside NYC and now live in northern Massachusetts in a little hobbit house with my wonderful husband, two school-aged sons, and a slightly very neurotic Czech-bred German Shepherd named Thorin. Despite his lunacy (or perhaps because of it), Thorin has been working as my beloved familiar for the past 10+ years.

I am honored to work part-time as a regional Education Director for 3 UU churches in central MA, in addition to my work at Inkwood. This work supports and affirms my faith, as I work directly with youth to help them find their spiritual way in the world.

Some of my non-tarot-related passions include hiking, yoga, teaching and playing fiddle, and studying Taekwondo. You can find out more about me and read more of my writing on my blog, the Inkwood Journal.

What You Can Expect in a Session With Me

Am I the right healer for you? If you are looking for someone to tell you your future or give you a quick fix to feel better, probably not. However, if you are willing to look at the role you play in your life and in your healing, and what actions you can take to create the outcome(s) you want, then I am quite likely a good fit for you. I offer guidance and support as you engage in the soul work you are meant to do, revealed in our healing, coaching, or mentoring session(s).

I am an empath (which means I’m able to feel what others are feeling) and have a background in family ministry and pastoral care as a UU religious professional. These combined experiences help me provide gentle, supportive guidance in our sessions, helping you find your way along or back to the path you belong on, no matter what medium we’re working with.

My sessions are relaxed and down-to-earth; you won’t get overloaded with a showy, mystical attitude or atmosphere. I take a few minutes at the beginning of each session to catch up with returning clients, or learn about new clients, as well as check in to see where their focus is that day, so plan for a little extra time for your session.

After the initial check-in, we’ll take time to discuss the reasons for your session in-depth, so I can map out the proper Reiki sequence, crystal layout, and/or tarot spread for you. Every session is tailored to the specific client’s needs. During your session, if you’re in person, you’ll be working in sacred space that is cleansed and energized for healing.

My goal is to help you get in touch with your inner/higher self through energy healing, reflective work, and the imagery of the tarot. Our inner/higher selves already know how to help us heal; if I can help you fine-tune your connection to become an active participant in your own healing, your growth and potential will know no bounds.

For more information, please visit the FAQ page.